“For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them.”

A Pan-Orthodox Experience
For over 50 years, EOYC has brought together Orthodox Christian youth into a camp experience based on our shared faith while celebrating the ethnic and cultural characteristics that make us all unique. We believe this is truly one of the most important aspects of EOYC, which in turn has strengthened our local Orthodox community.
EOYC Camp Song
Oh, I'm an EOYC camper,
A camper I will always be!
I love my counselors and they love me,
An EOYC camper for eternity!
And when my camping days are over,
A counselor I will then become.
I'll share my faith of Orthodoxy
From my days of camping.
I love my EOYC,
Yes, my EOYC,
Oh, my EOYC days,